SWDPRO for Texas
"The Source for SWD Software Since 1991"
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Are you tired of ...

Handwriting your P18 reports?

Trying to get your Spreadsheets to do
what a Database program was designed to do?

Trying to find out "Who Operates this Lease?"

Trying to find out "What is the Lease name?"

Trying to find out "What is the RRC number?"

Trying to look up all the Lease, Field name,
Operator, and District on Microfiche?

Sorting your tickets 3 or 4 times so that you can do your
Internal and Regulator reporting?

Transferring your spreadsheet data to
an accounting system to generate Invoices?
Time Saving Features:

User Friendly -

One-time Entry -

Tickets can be entered in any order -

Error Checking -

Local Database -

RRC Extended Database -

P18 Calculations - SWDPRO makes all the necessary calculations according to the RRC so that you don't have to do them manually.
Prints P18 Report - on blank paper

Invoice Generation -the program will take the tickets and automatically generate Invoices based on your predetermined rate.
(Note: While the program does track invoices, it does not contain an accounts receivable function)

 Allocation Letters -
Multiple Commodities - The program is also set up to handle Fresh Water Sales, Brine Water Sales, as well as Saltwater Disposal.